Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Global Warming affects


1: Diseases: Due to the greenhouse affect, temperatures will increase causing tropical diseases to migrate to other regions that were previously cold.

2:Food shortages: Since global warming is severely increasing the global temperature, storms and droughts will occur more frequently. This will severely affect crop and livestock/animal growth in a negative way. Also the population in 2044 will be 9,000,000,000 people creating a rising demand for food putting an extreme pressures on farms and supermarkets.

3: Economic decline: Due to severe destruction from storms and droughts will cause agricultural industries to loose money from less yields. More frequent storms including hurricanes and tornadoes created from temperature differentials can destroy Factories, Farms. stores etc creating UNEMPLOYMENT and other economic issues.

4: Extremely high expenses: In the US, TAXES will SKYROCKET  because of  Horrific Government programs such as welfare and financial assistance for the unemployed. Also higher demands for food and less supply will make food prices colossal.

5: Wars: Wars will be more common in the future because of the shortage of resources and global economic decline. Also, the displacement of people due to flooding, droughts, and wildfires will create tensions among society.

6: Electricity issues: Since storms will be more frequent; massive populations will have long term power outages. Extreme flooding/global sea rises can flood power plants and destroy electric infrastructures. Wildfires can create electric pathways away from transmission lines and droughts put pressures on hydro-electric plants.

Sadly, Life as we know it will change for the worse. So plan for the future and the next 7 generations.  Live your life to the fullest before 2050 since global population will be at least 9,000,000,000. Check out Global Warming solutions  to see the solutions to these issues.

Flooded Nuclear Power station

Food shortages  =   guards at your local supermarket with machine-guns

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