Saturday, November 8, 2014

Why the U.S Economy is bad part 1

1:Manufacturing is the backbone for any economy; without the backbone of an animal, the animal cannot survive and eventually dies. Most products are OUTSOURCED through GLOBALIZATION which means that companies assemble/manufacture their products and/or parts to make in other countries. When you outsource to communist countries, labor is extremely cheap because the government controls everything including factory worker wages and costs of materials. They make the cost relatively low to bring in business like entrepreneurs who want to outsource. Also, in countries like Thailand the cost of living is very low making cheap labor possible because high salaries are not provided by companies. Also, outsourcing can make the cost of raw materials cheaper because prices for these materials can be lower in different countries where these resources are common and where the cost of living is low.

2: By out sourcing unemployment is growing at a high rate because jobs are no longer available in the US. By having a high unemployment rate, the economy crashes because unemployed people rely on government assistance like food stamps which means HIGH TAXES. Also when people are unemployed their money is put on rations which makes them buy less meaning less consumers (low demand).



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