Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What Trumps win will mean for the Environment.

Image result for trump digs coal

The Top issues for the United States CURRENTLY would be:

1): Nat debt/Economy/Jobs
2): Military/ISIS/Defense/Terrorism/ Radical Islam
3): Environment
4): All other junk

It is important to realize that the environment and health go hand in hand. Global Warming plays an important role in disease transfer. Fossil Fuel Emissions tend to affect the food we eat such as mercury fish and our lungs. Sustainable Organic like farming correlates to the Environment. Thus, healthcare is the least of problems if you have a good environment.


We do know that Trump will help the Economy. Particularly businesses as they will enjoy a 15% tax from the 35% reg. tax. Regular Middle Class people will not benefit in terms of taxes. Businesses will enjoy the deregulation. However it is questionable whether a lack of regulation will lead to a Bailout as he wants to remove Dodd-Frank. Also, environmental deregulation would be damaging. He is going to bring jobs back from China which will be the biggest advantage to the Economy. If he fails to bring jobs back and tax companies that leave, he would have accomplished little for the economy. For instance, if businesses enjoy the tax breaks and still manufacture in China would be catastrophic on the Economy and Government Revenue and may potentially increase Nat. Debt. I think he is slashing the tax rate on businesses so he can create an incentive for businesses to move back to U.S. Thus, it appears slashing business tax is fair. However, it is unfair that he not slashing middle class tax as vigorously.

Image result for china factory worker graph

*Note: According to this Graph: Factories are not necessary closing >50% because if that was a case, the blue line would be dropping. What is more accurate would be to say that out Factories are not Declining as much as Stagnation. Stagnation is what is happening and new factories are built in China instead. It is not economical in many cases to Close a $5 Billion Dollar plant and build a New $1 Billion Dollar Plant in China. It is more economical,  to keep the 5 Billion Dollar Plant open and build more in China instead of U.S However, if it is a small $500 million plant, it might be more economical to close it down.

Image result for trump on military

2): Military/Defense. He will be a good Defense leader and stop ISIS. He is not politically correct and will mention "Radical Islam". He also will make wars less expensive.

Image result for mountain top removal
Coal Mining (Mountain Top Removal in Kentucky)

3): Environment: This is the worst thing that will happen. Obama's plans did benefit the Environment Greatly. He did a fantastic job on helping the Environment. For instance, the Ocean Reserve twice the size of Texas was a major Biodiversity +. He also believes in Climate Change and appears to help Renewable Energy with Subsidies.

Trump will harm the environment. His appointment of a person who does not believe in Climate Change to the EPA is counter-intuitive and stupid.

Trump appears to favor Natural Gas over Nuclear. Although, he should benefit Nuclear Energy to some extent. Nuclear Energy is one of the Cleanest Forms and should be embraced.


Well. Quite Frankly, we do nothing about it. At least I wrote like 50 environmental posts on this blog to compensate for my CO2 emissions. But most people who know about Climate Change and all sorts of Environmental Issues make a mistake.

Mistake 1:

Companies have billions of dollars and use it to gain political advantage. Protesting or Petitioning will rarely make a significant impact. Corporations can just lobby their agenda and win. Unless there is a major accident such as lead killing hundreds of people or 2ft of coal sludge or a hundred million gallon oil spill, they will win.

The only thing you can do is refuse to buy their products. That IS THE ONLY THING YOU CAN DO. If you are serious about climate change, spend $ 1000 on solar panels each year and in 13 years, you will have your house not dependent on Fossil Fuel energy. Or if you live in a State that has 50% clean energy such as NJ which 50% of electricity is from Nuclear Plants, the extra 5000 dollars in an electric car might be worth it. You may drastically reduce your Co2 emissions. The key is that Environmental Success starts from the bottom to the top. Regular People to Government. Not the other way around.

Image result for natural gas consumption by appliance

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Best Election Videos

Why Trump Won.

Image result for trump train meme

Trump won because Clinton Failed. Fair and Simple. No Whining PLS.

Image result for electoral map ny times

This shows the Predicted Electoral Map. With Clinton winning as predicted by idiots.

The mistake was that Clinton lost Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin. 
She thought she would win and here was her mistake. She underestimated the power of Rural Voters. For example, this shows the Pennsylvania electoral map. Trump beat Clinton 2.9 million vs 2.85 million votes. Yet Trump won like 90% of the land excluding a few small blue chunks. Hence, you can infer that the blue regions must be heavily populated with cities. We can see quite clearly that Clinton won in the (blue) cities/suburbs region but lost terribly in all the rural counties. 

The reason: Clinton failed to connect with blue collar workers. They realized that manufacturing, trade, mining, fracking, steel,  would not be fixed by Clinton. She supported the TTIP calling it the Gold Standard. Why ? Because every single big corporation likes outsourcing jobs and globalizing and she is the Hack-Job for Corporations. She even said that she has a "public and private position". 

Trump wants to bring jobs back. Thus, all rural voters went to Trump. Hence, all the red areas below. He also supports the 2nd amendment and rural people like that. Also, rural people are not as politically correct as City people and like Trump's outsider and "tell it like you see it attitude". Also, rural people probably can't deal with the corruption and media bias. Furthermore, city people are dependent on Democrats. For instance, the slummy communities in cities all vote democrat. Why? Because they are probably communists and want free stuff like medicaid, welfare.  This is why city/densely populated regions went to her and rural regions (90% of Pennsylvania) went to Trump. 

Conclusion: Democrats will Fail again and again unless they connect with regular people in greater numbers. They need to get the whites without college degree (blue collar workers) which went to Trump like Candy. They need to get people with College Degrees at greater numbers by addressing outsourcing. Also, Trump needs to learn to respect the environment because he is not helping anyone with his bias against clean energy and conservation. Probably because business people exploit things, coal, oil, labor, robots, free markets, lobbyists and the environment is just one of those categories.