Thursday, November 20, 2014

Technology series (silicon)

This diagram shows the electrons flowing into the "holes."The Back Contact is the wires that sends electrons into the grid.

Silicon is a fundamental element that is used in a almost any electronic device and more. This would include solar panels, microchips, glass, transistors, lasers, and fiber optic cables. In solar cells, it is crucial to have a semi-conducting element; since silicon is a very efficient semi-conductor it is used in all commercial solar-cells. When photons, (light, Sunlight) hit the panel converts it into electrical energy because of the PN junction. The PN junction occurs when the light (photons) come into contact with the electrons on P and N type silicon. The electrons create a negative pole where there is the most electrons and a positive pole where there is fewer electrons or "empty holes for the electrons to flow into". When the electrons "flow into their holes" the light excites them and they break free and come into contact with metal wires on the cell. Since the wire is a conductor, the electrons "jump onto the wire", thus creating a electric circuit. PS, only refined silicon can form the P.N junction because this type of silicon is not found in nature. Therefore they refine natural silicon into pure silicon; then they add impurities like phosphorus to create the junction.

Read my science/environment/tech posts. Remember that the turtle proverb says " Curious Turtles have the map to the lake of knowledge."

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