Thursday, December 31, 2015


Image result for compost bin

*We started composting ever since I could remember which would be 13 years ago.

* Composting  may be a beneficial practice than you can commence. Composting is a substitute for "throwing away" your food.Food that is thrown away is  incinerated or wind up in a giant landfill. It also shows respect environmentally. Some argue of the difference between your food scraps in a landfill vs a bin in your backyard. Here is a list of bullets to invalidate this position.

* Food waste in landfills create more methane emissions than in your compost bin. This food winds up getting buried in a landfill and it cannot under go aerobic degradation due to the lack of oxygen. Thus, it turns into methane, (CH4), [ a lot worse than co2 ] notice that there is no oxygen molecule in this structure. If your landfill has a methane capture system, you still should compost though, and these systems are not 100% efficient.

*Food waste in Compost Bins will biodegrade with the assistance of oxygen and release small traces of co2. Even Though it may be crammed shut and have mounds of food on top, worms and critters eat it and expose it to oxygen. Some bins rotate on a spindle which can help, "aerate it", but i find it unnecessary for the additional cost.

*It may provide a home to snakes and other creatures. We had a snake in our compost bin, but we rarely saw it. Snakes are important because they keep the rat population and thus the tick population and thus lyme disease down.

* It will provide rich soil and can be used as a highly beneficial nutrient for your garden or plants.


It is generally suggested to only put in vegetables, fruits, tea bags, bones, shells, paper, pasta, rice, egg shells, tea bags, yard debris etc. It is not recommended to put in meat because it may attract rodents. If you have a snake it may remedy this problem.

*Put in 10-20 gallons of yard debris (especially leaves) at the end of each season to increase Carbon quantities. Paper also helps.


Purchase a bin or make one out of 30-50 gallon rubber containers. You can examine youtube videos if you want. Putt in a few bundles of leaves and yard trimmings and your bin is ready for use.

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