Thursday, May 26, 2016

Big Corporations and How to prevent a "ruling class"

A lot of people believe that the big corporations rule government rather than people. This is quite correct in a lot of instances. However, the more important question to ask is A, B, C, and D.

A)  How they got there?

They bought out a whole bunch of little guys via mergers and stock majority. Simultaneously, it seems that they had the financial capacity to do so. We also have bad anti-trust laws in place.

B) Is it beneficial ? In most cases, No.

C) Did we let them ? Yes, we after all did not start early (before they got big) and brought people into politics that actually would prevent such as merger (Ben Carson maybe ?).

D) Are we part of the Problem or solution? We are part of the problem. We buy the "Big Corporation's" products despite the fact that with the internet, we can easily search products that are made in the USA or are Organic or products that are sustainable. Although it takes slightly more time, the time is well spent. If we did not buy their products in protest, they would have never have reached the massive size. 

Solution. If you really don't like them, don't buy there stuff. It's ironic that people complain about these things and yet they support the corporations they complain about when there are hundreds of other responsible vendors. By taking this sort of action, you are preventing a Big corporation from stealing all the power. 


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