Friday, December 25, 2015

Image result for nuclear power station
Many Critics Claim that Nuclear is very unsafe, especially with events such as Fukushima or Chernobyl. However, this  is exactly what the fossil fuel industry wants you to believe, because they exist due to the false information spread by multi national fossil fuel corp. The old light water reactors were unsafe, however, at the time there was also something called the Breeder Reactor which was not commercialized first and very safe. When it’s technology became available it was not used and the lightwater assumed dominance, which had safety systems built not as a precaution but as a anticipation of Failure due to the fact that safety systems were built after the design instead of being incorporated into it. However, the Breeder Reactor has many beneficial features. It is a lot more fuel efficient than the light waters and it can even generate more fissile material than it consumes. For instance, you can receive more reactor fuel as byproduct than you put in which can be recycled back into the reactor. Lastly, in a population of 50 billion, 100, 200, 300 ,400 billion in the future, our energy consumption will be immense. We cannot rely only Renewables to power civilization but also have to rely on Nuclear. We just cannot build 10 million wind turbines to suit our demands. It is more effective to build 1000 Nuclear Reactors instead. Renewables are perfect for more specialized applications such as transportation where biofuels can be collected from sewage treatment plants to generate electricity or Fuel Cells to make clean drinking water.


  • RAW POWER: Nuclear Reactors generate huge amounts of Power and consume little few. For every 2.2 Pounds of Uranium, you can get 24 million kwh of electricity compared to 8 thousand kwh from coal. The difference is that these reactors exploit E=MC2which gives the Maximum Amount of possible energy generated from anything. U-235 contains 2 to 3 million times the amount of energy from coal

  • LITTLE FUEL: A 500 MW Coal Plant has a colossal appetite of a little over 1,400,000 tons of coal per year. Compared to a 1000 MW Light Water Reactor, it would require 200 tons of uranium which could be recycled and used many times.

  • NEW SAFETY  TECH: Due to Advances in Nuclear Plants, there has been New Technology that can make Meltdowns, “a thing of the past.” For instance, take the Westinghouse Model Ap 1000 reactor, It has a 300,000 gallon water tank placed above the 250% thicker reinforced concrete containment shell. In a meltdown, the 300,000 gallon water tank opens, and water is released from a few hundred feet high by gravity, flooding the entire structure, preventing any meltdown. In addition, the Integral Fast reactor can simply and safely shut itself down even with the emergency cooling system turned off and the normal shutdown devices disabled, preventing a Nuclear Meltdown.

  • GREENHOUSE GAS FREE: Nuclear Reactors emit no co2 or any other Greenhouse gas. Most people mistake the white mist floating above the reactor as pollution, however it is just plain old water. Reactors use Uranium to boil water into extremely high pressurized steam to power turbines, as the steam blast through the turbine, it goes to a cooling tower to be recycled back into water to be reused. The White mist from the Cooling tower is just steam from the cooling tower.

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