Friday, December 11, 2015

Green House Effect


The GreenHouse effect is actually beneficial because it prevents the earth from becoming a giant ice ball. However, human enhanced GreenHouse effects are not beneficial because it destroys the balance and there is too much Heat. The main players include CO2, CH4, N2O, and PerfluoroMethane. These players are quite important, when thermal radiation enters the planet, it gets absorbed by these greenhouse gases and then radiated back to the planet. It then get’s absorbed by the surface but also a significant amount of the energy gets reflected back into space. The Greenhouse gas absorbs it again and then re radiates it back to earth, but a portion escapes back into space. This Process is the Greenhouse effect and sustains life by increasing earth’s temperature. If we removed all the greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, this process would not occur and all the energy would be reflected out back into space.

However, we are in a practice of Human Enhanced GreenHouse effect. We are emitting too much co2 into the atmosphere and thus, less and less of the radiation is escaping creating the temperature to increase too much. The main player, Carbon Dioxide, emitted from car tailpipes to millions dollar Coal Fired Power Plants is responsible. Carbon Dioxide and the other gases are special, in its pure form, it would not have an impact. However, when it is paired with oxygen it becomes a tightly bonded molecule that vibrates when radiation hits it. It then will release it and this radiation will go to another CO2 molecule and eventually get reflected back to earth or into space, it’s a 50-50 chance. Too much co2 and it acts like a thick wall surrounding the planet, and their is a higher probability that it will get reflected to earth and less into space. Too little and the probability will dictate that most of the radiation will be reflected back into space. We used to be in a perfect balance and now we are carelessly destroying it.

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