Friday, December 25, 2015

Cool Facts

* The Alcohol Prohibition was another example of Corporations influence over gov't. For instance, there were Cars that ran on Biofuels, they were cleaner, cost effective, and made Oil Sales Crash. These cars happened to be marketed by Henry Ford along with the concept of Biofuels powering cars. So Congress and Big Corporations passed the alcohol Prohibition act to protect Standard Oil. Since Biofuels are Ethanol Alcohol, they were banned, and the Dirty Oil Companies maintained Business. Darn, we were so close to having biofuels.

* It used to be proposed that we would run our transportation industry heavily on street cars instead of Fossil Cars. These Street Cars ran on electricity and even though it may have been generated by burning coal, it was a small step closer to a cleaner transportation infrastructure. Big Oil realized that this would be a huge threat so they bought up all the companies via the stock market and burned the wooden cars in huge stacks. They replaced them with dirty buses (not biofuel buses).

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