This is a Fictional Article that I wrote as a News Story for LA class:
Union Of Concerned Environmentalists
“I ran through the forest effortlessly, however I could sense that something was different, heaviness enveloped the air, it was dense and it was as if it were upset. The land was sick, the murky sky, the smoke, the frightened screeches of birds and monkeys. Then I came to an open clearing and knew that hundreds of acres of rainforest habitat was destroyed. Desperate trees yelling in agony and the bright sound of a engine penetrating through the air like wildfire. A congregation of heavy machinery and the breaking of trunks filled the air with kakofonous noises and hopelessness. The next day, the land was desolate as if a fire had consumed a once healthy, lively, green land into a collection of fragments. The trees surrounding the barren landscape in despair.” reports Huki, a local Amazonian native who witnessed a massive scale logging in progress.
Every day, 214,000 acres, an area larger than New York City are permanently destroyed, transformed into a barren wasteland due to deforestation. Many occurs in the Amazon Rainforest, one of the most biodiverse regions on the planet. Large corporations in combination with smaller local operations are responsible. For instance, many fast food industries use deforestated Palm oil which comes from the Amazon, unfortunately a small percentage of industries use a more ecofriendly method, farmed Palm oil. Although significant, the main culprit, large logging operations and Cattle Giants; responsible for most deforestation are getting away with major misconduct, the Brazilian EPA-- powerless.
“It is not fair that the corrupt gov’t shuts down our local operations” states Saki, a amazon lumber mill worker,“They shut down small mills which employ about 30-60 people who deforestate for survival but let the Massive corporations tear up thousands of acres compared to our smaller scale operations.”
In fact, large corporations have many connections with the Brazilian Government version of the EPA known as IBAMA. For example, huge brazilian beef companies have an enormous influence over their gov’t, and are associated with huge deforestation from cattle farming, above the laws and the IBAMA. Simultaneously, desperate Amazon natives are being laid off, jobless-- IBAMA imposing severe penalties and shutdowns, giving local Amazonians the incentive to move elsewhere.
“I joined IBAMA because I wanted to protect the environment from deforestation. However, I feel sad sometimes because I feel powerless and I know that I am not solving the real problem. I am shutting down local small scale operations while the large corporations, doing the most environmental impact go uncaught,” IBAMA Worker Alaba despairs.
Unfortunately, since the large operations making the highest impact, in the Amazon and other regions of the world are continuing due to weak regulations and power, our forests and ecosystem are increasingly endangered.
"We are being forced off our Native land of the Amazon. The fact is that we don't own this land, it belongs to the trees, the animals, the birds, the rainforest frogs, and the Barracudas. Thus, you cannot take it and it is not yours to give, no one owns it. We will not let you have it and will protect it forever."
Unfortunately, the International Finance Corp., a subdivision of The World Bank Group that finances loans to large deforestation operations. They have apathy for environmental damages and disregard that the companies who they loan money to are practicing malicious operations. Particularly the Beef Giants and logging companies; such as Bertin which practices illegal operations such as slash and burn. Misconceptions of the World Bank being a participant in promoting eco friendliness by withdrawing loans to large corporations are arising. However, this is an illusion and a result of an attack on their reputation from criticism by environmental groups. They will most likely begin their immoral practices once time they "are out of the spotlight".
What are the impacts of Deforestation? Why should I be concerned? Because the implications are severe.
Environmental Scientist Dune G mentions, “Deforestation has severe impacts on Biosequestration, the storage of Greenhouse gases by Plants, and thus has resulted in increased co2 emissions." In addition he states, "In fact our co2 emissions per year are 40 billion tons or 80 trillion pounds. In order for the global temperature rise to be less than 3.6 degrees fahrenheit, we will need to stay below 3200 billion tons in the atmosphere but that's not easy, we only have 1,200 billion tons left to meet the 3200 billion mark."
Experts predict that at this intense co2 emissions per year rate, we don’t have much time left at most, 30 years if we do not increase our global emissions per year.
However, trees play a very important role in removing air pollution and thus it is important that Deforestation is limited and combatted with more ecofriendly alternatives. For instance, Studies have shown that all the World's forests eliminate a significant percentage of mankind's co2 emissions. For example, according to the U.S. Forest Service that all the forests in the United States alone, combined, sequestered approximately 309 million tons of carbon each year from 1952 - 1992 which offsetted 25% of U.S co2 emissions. Furthermore, Trees remove pollutants in the air by absorbing them, these include NOx, SO2, and particulates. In addition to the colossal consequences of high co2 emissions, another hidden aspect, extinction arises into light.
"Amazon Deforestation is causing a severe Loss of Biodiversity. Orangutans, species of elephants, the pygmy elephant and rare tigers are becoming extinct due to massive palm oil plantations and logging operations." reports a Biodiversity Researcher.
Every day 200 species including biodiverse plant, animal, and bird species go extinct daily, 1000 times the natural rate, known as the rate of extinction caused by nature without human influence. This reduces Biodiversity because many Biodiverse Rainforest Species who rely on the local ecosystem are threatened. Despite their Value to Medicine and agriculture our rainforest biodiversity is severely threatened. These plants and animals can be used to find cancer cures and create more efficient Medications. Despite these Benefits, rates have increased eventually it is predicted that the Amazon will be have lost 40% of its land to deforestation within 20 years.
Do you feel cynical?
Fortunately, there are many alternatives. Products that contain alternatives to Deforested Palm oil such as Organic Olive or Vegetable Oil. In addition, recycling paper and the purchase of non amazon deforested wood products would be beneficial. Furthermore, one of the most effective methods to combat deforestation is to educate oneself and others.
COPYRIGHT (c) 2015 by Nicholas G...----- Unauthorized sale of this article is punishable by Law. Author Grants full permission for private usage only unless consent by author is given.
<Para 1> (214,000 acres are deforestated per year) / World Wildlife Fund
<Para 12>(1952 - 1992 which offsetted 25% of U.S co2 emissions. Furthermore, Trees remove pollutants in the air by absorbing them, these include NOx, SO2, and particulates. ) / Independent Scientist Studies, U.S Forest Service
<Para 14> (Every day 200 species including biodiverse plant, animal, and bird species go extinct daily, 1000 times the natural rate, known as the rate of extinction caused by nature without human influence.) / WWF
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