Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Cool Mars' Facts


Mars has many distinguishing characteristics. For instance, the red surface is due to the presence of iron oxide/rust. Also, mars has a huge crater called hellas planitia, located in the southern hemisphere of mars,it is 23,465 ft deep at the bottom floor, equivalent to the height of 17 empire state buildings (including the tip) and 1,400 miles wide (about twice the distance from New York to chicago). Also mars has a mountain, mt.olympus mons that it 3 times the height of mt.everest and is 84,480 feet tall. Mars also has 2 moons phobos and Deimos which are thought to be captured asteroids. Mars has a huge tectonic plate site that is a colossal canyon known as Valles Marineris. It was created when the a massive area/section of the crust had collapsed from a vast volcanic plateau that started swelling (also known as Tharsis area). The canyon is 2500 miles wide, the length of Europe and up to about 23,000 feet deep (approx 4.3mi). The tharsis area is home to 3 enormous volcanoes one of which 270 miles wide.

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