Friday, March 27, 2015

"Too Big To Fail" part 1

Corporate America is mainly a corrupt organization of large companies/conglomerates that fixes politics in their favor in many ways that put immense burdens on small businesses and the average employee. Some of their tactics is to run huge lobbying campaigns to influence legislation in negative ways. Other tactics include making connections with political figures. For example, Clarence Thomas, one of the judges of the supreme court is a Monsanto lawyer. He has always made decisions & passed legislation that benefits Monsanto regardless of how negatively the people is impacted. In addition, many corporations have huge donation campaigns, to influence government by influencing them to make decisions that will benefit them financially through the donation campaign. Due to the significant population of uneducated/looking out for their own interest judges on the supreme court, corporations can virtually buy a president if they wanted too because they claimed that corporations are individuals, thus they have no limit on campaign financing!

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