Thursday, March 26, 2015

How To make A GMO

GMO’s are crops or foods that have their genetic structure altered. Most GMO’s have a roundup ready chemical in their gene that acts as a pesticide for bugs that eat the crops. In order to create a genetically modified foods, scientists first find and isolate the gene they what to insert into the plant. Then, they create a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to make many copies of the isolated gene. Next, they insert in into the plants tissue using transformation. Finally, they check to make sure the Foreign gene they added works properly, if not they tweak it; and once this is complete the offspring will be a GMO!  Unfortunately, scientists insert a roundup ready gene into the plant which causes the offspring to make roundup ready pesticides. In many studies, rats  who have been fed GMO’s containing roundup ready NK603 on a daily basis developed horrifying tumors, severe widespread organ damage, and premature death. Astoundingly, these tumors were so large the rats had trouble breathing. In addition, the same chemical NK603 used on the rat tests is being grown across North America and is widely fed to humans via inorganic breakfast cereal and corn snack chips. Furthermore, rats that drank trace amount of roundup ready (at levels legally allowed in water supplies) developed a 200%-300% increase in tumors. Astonishingly, the USDA allowed GMO foods to be sold on the market without conducting tests to ensure they were safe. Unfortunately, this was passed because of the power of lobbying and corporate greed. However, there are no proven studies with GMO’s and humans, one can believe that eating GMO’s helps contribute to health issues.

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